Our laboratory uses the sea cucumber, Holothuria glaberrima, as a model system to study different aspects of organogenesis and regeneration as well as comparative neuronal anatomy and evolution. Sea cucumbers, which comprise the group Holothurians, are coelomate organisms of the phylum Echinodermata. They are closely related to chordates but, in contrast to chordates, exhibit an impressive ability to regenerate complex structures. In Holothurians, the regenerative process is evidenced following evisceration in which all major viscera are discarded. In H. glaberrima, regeneration of the intestine is completed in a 4-week period. Our overall goal is to use this model system to understand the process of organogenesis and how the multiplicity of cell types are generated and assembled into a functional organ.
June 1985 - December 1985
Visiting Research Fellow
Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
5-45 Yushima I-Chome, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
November 1984 - May 1985
Visiting Research Fellow
Department of Physiology, Flinders Medical School
Bedford Park, 5042 South Australia, Australia
1981 - 1984
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institut d'Embryologie, CNRS et College de France
Nogent-sur-Marne, France
1976 - 1981
Graduate Degree (PhD)
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Harvard University, Massachusetts, United States of America
1972 - 1976
Bachelor's Degree (B.Sc.)
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
José E. García-Arrarás, PhD
Department of Biology
Julio García Díaz Building, JGD 220
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931
Phone: (787) 764-0000 Ext. 88152
Email: jegarcia@hpcf.upr.edu


Cellular Aspects of Intestinal Regeneration

Molecular Aspects of Intestinal Regeneration

H. glaberrima transcriptomics

Regenerative Neurogenesis

Echinoderm Nervous System

Echinoderm Intestinal Microbiome

The MARC Program for undergraduate students is research-training program sponsored by the "National Institute of General Medical Sciences" (NIGMS) aimed to the scientific formation of a selection of the best in sciences. Scientific research constitutes a fundamental part of this training.

The Increasing Diversity in Interdisciplinary BD2K (IDI-BD2K) project will train groups of interdisciplinary students to analize biomedical Big Data.

NeuroID is a program designed to increase diversity in Neuroscience by providing opportunities to undergraduate students interested in this area and enhance their scientific knowledge, research capability and social responsibility.

The Río Piedras RISE Program is committed to increasing student interest in the biomedical sciences. It is also committed to assuring that student participation in research is a highly productive experience that encourages the pursuit of doctoral and postdoctoral experiences and also strengthens the likelihood of their success as scientists.
For any inquiries, questions or interest in our research, please contact us through the following:
787-764-0000 Ext. 88152
jegarcia@hpcf.upr.edu (Dr. García-Arrarás)